Our responsible commitments Discover our actions for the protection of the environment


Our used motor oils are stored, collected by specialized companies, and recycled.


In 2023, Trans Côte d’Azur has decided to use XTL-1000 biodiesel created from waste of oils and grease and conform to the EN15940 norms.

As a synthetic fuel, it has also been improved to reduce the appearance of fumes and other unburned residues and a 90% reduction in CO2 emissions.


Our vessels are inspected each year by Bureau Veritas*
(French certification service).

Naviguez au gré du vent !

We have two sailing catamarans: Rivage Croisière II and Solana.

During the cruises we opt for sail propulsion and strongly limit the consumption of carburant.

On board we use biodegradable tableware and organic cleaning products.

** Bureau Veritas : Bring transparency and credibility to commitments; preserve the safety, reliability and integrity of our vessels throughout their life cycle.

Nous privilégions l'économie locale.

Construction de nos navires

All of our ships have been designed in Sophia Antipolis (Alpes-Maritimes) and are built in Saint-Mandrier (Var) in France.

Économie locale & fournisseurs

We call on artisans from the Var and the Alpes Maritimes to intervene on our ships.

Regarding the supply for the Rivage Croisière our preferred local suppliers use “short-circuit retail”.

Brochure papier

All of our brochures are printed in the Alpes-Maritimes on certified PEFC* paper.

*Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification, is a leading global alliance of national forest certification systems.

Navire à l'hydrogène

Trans Côte d’Azur have set in motion a plan for energetic transition with the study of building a hydrogen powered ship for the liaisons to the Lérins islands.

Navire équipé de foil

Trans Côte d’Azur has begun the building of a 26m hydrofoil catamaran passenger ferry. Modern and respectful to the environment.

This system reduces water resistance and generates a lighter engine which enables more speed from less energy.

Préservation de l'archipel des Îles de Lérins

Be the actors of a healthy planet, it starts with cleanliness.
We are counting on you!


Visitors to Sainte-Marguerite Island are asked to keep their garbage and return it to the mainland.

This approach aims to preserve the landscape quality of the site, decrease the production of waste, avoid the passage of service vehicles in this fragile space and improve the aesthetics of walking trails.

Tous responsables

Help preserve the beauty of Sainte-Marguerite Island by leaving it clean after your visit.